What is beauty?
Without recognition,
Without bruises,
Tis’ simply a void.

What is beauty?
Without love,
Without reason,
Tis’ simply prostitution.

What is beauty?
Without words,
Without wounds,
Tis’ simply an execution.

What is beauty?
Without sharing,
Without deliverance,
Tis’ simply a shame.

What is beauty?
Without her smile,
Without her light,
Tis’ simply a name.

Thoughts by Haven


I suffer from a tragically ordinary condition known as idiopathic hypersomnia, which is a form of insomnia, where the amount of sleep is irrelevant, the patient still won’t feel rested, leaving you drained for days at a time, making sure you stay tired, with a higher brain wave activity added to the cause.

Before I was the age of 2, I found myself at a local hospital with a fever, where a docter gave me three children’s Tylenol, and I submerged into a 28 day coma, during which my brain activity increased and stayed with me for the rest of my life, thus the cause of my insomnia.

Of course, I don’t remember much of my coma, but I find it very nostalgic, to think of the few memories I have of me waking up afterwards.

Honestly, I’m building to a point, I’m not telling anybody this for a pity plea or anything, it’s just that certain forces are at work, in every-ones unique lives, and this is one of the forces that pushed me down my specific path.

I tried to understand who i am, and how I came to be all the time, you see.

So it goes without saying, that I’ve learned to pay attention to the world, and I inexplicably feel that I want the world to see what I’ve seen through my eyes, and that’s as simple as I can put it.

I wanted to discuss with the general audience that here on my DA account, I will eventually gather enough material from all of my own original projects, and I will attempt to introduce you guys, to a whole new world, my world, so expect a new enlightening on a fresh, clean level.

That’s right, no bullshit here.

In a fraction of a second during my day, the following epiphany? realization?, occurred to me for the second time.

I looked out my window, late-afternoon, to see the sun bursting around the clouds, and I remembered something indestructibly wonderful.

Every time I stare into the vast void that is our immense sky, on any given day of my life, I shiver in joy at the remarkable memory that there is an Earth we could build, where every existing inhabitant could no longer live in fear of their own kind, nor tremble from any other species, a planet where love is the easiest drug to find, and hatred joins the ranks of the hardest.

This would be a land where a pure jolting breath of air, sends us numb, and reeling with focus, where character is the highest of priorities, and a greater intensity of simple inner drive would build a terrain of individuals that overcame their irrelevant differences to work towards a commonly reasonable goal of togetherness, creativity, responsibility, faith, and merriment, and remember the incredible amount of effort, blood, and tears, that it took our civilization to resurrect themselves in that magnificent journey, and by committing it to memory we can forever appreciate how far we’ve come, and the gratefulness we throw away beside one another.

The safest of havens could exist if it would be universally known, that with resistance to motives born of selfishness, and negative blatancy, we can treat one another in unimaginably equal ways, and extinguish all of the envious, for there are truly none to be envied, as we are all victim to the same downfalls and silhouettes, all seduced by a seemingly impervious lust, all in search of what lies inside us, trapped in a tiny, heart shaped box of flesh, that is all but too easy to unlock, so with that being said I strongly ask of you with no specific reason in mind, but a million at least, to open the box before we destroy ourselves, over and over again.

We are at the very unique brink of personal salvation, inner peace, all a cloud’s reach away, and so we endlessly cry trying to never let it slip, fall, or stray.

There’s no excuse to feel lost anymore.

Peace isn’t an easy thing to find, but it’s more like that of a fickle little friend.

Victory lies in the core of your battlefield, and it is very, much possible, indeed.

That’s right, no bullshit here.

Thoughts by Haven